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Catching up with Karyn

If Humor Were YOUR Superpower!

I ran across a story on Reddit about a young boy at a grocery store running around making superhero moves with a fierce expression, and making quite the spectacle of himself.

A woman leans over and says to him, “Hello, young man! What’s your name?”

In a little kid’s version of a growly voice, he says, “I’m Batman.”

The lady laughs and says, “I mean what’s your real name?”

Again: “I’m BATMAN!”

“No, what’s your actual real name?”

Long pause…

“Bruce Wayne.”

Whatever you do today, do it with the confidence of a four-year-old wearing a Batman shirt!

PS: What if humor was YOUR superpower? Humor has the power to change the world. I'd love to visit with you about what that could look like for your and your organization.

Pick up the Batphone and call me!

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Why Did the Emotional Support Chicken Cross the Road?

Flying can be stressful any time of the year, but the holiday season can be especially nerve-wracking: Fretful flights. Cranky crews. Pissy passengers. Instead of instructing people to buckle their seatbelts, flight attendants might be better served to have people fasten their straight jackets! If only there was a way to deal with the strain…

But wait—Popeyes Chicken comes to the rescue! Many passengers traveling through the Philadelphia International Airport during Christmas week 2018 skipped the Philly Cheesesteaks and grabbed a to-go box that also served as an Emotional Support Chicken. Yes, I said, “Emotional. Support. Chicken.”

These chickens don’t bite, they’re TSA-friendly, and they’re “cheap” comfort food. (Sorry, I just can’t resist a good chicken pun.)

Popeyes Chicken thought this emotional support animal wouldn’t ruffle any feathers…but they were wrong. PETA and its supporters squawked that this stunt was insulting and in poor taste:

  • “This is not funny. It belittles th
  • ...
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Does this blog post make my butt look big?

The “Average American” (I’m still trying to find that person!) gains about one and a half pounds of fat a year between ages 25-60. Bummer! Not only does this lead to several health issues—it’s costly, it’s depressing, and it’s not helping our self-esteem. If you’re like me, you are searching for ways to laugh your, ummm, your butt off—literally.

A 15-minute laugh burns 10-40 calories. Okay, so that’s not as much as an hour of spinning might get you. But how consistently are you spinning? Or running? Or swimming? Or shaking those hips at Zumba?!

15 minutes of laughter doesn’t require any coordination. Or a membership fee. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. Or your room. Or your chair. (You can do it in a house. You can do it with a mouse. You can do it in a boat. You can do it with a goat. You can do it here or there. You can do it anywhere!)

Over a year, you can laugh off one to four pounds. (Hey, I see you over there rollin...

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Humor May Be Hazardous to Your Illness

Many of you may be too young to recall the story of Norman Cousins. The 60-second version: When diagnosed with a degenerative disease (ankylosing spondylitis) he checked himself into a hotel across the street from his hospital, and with the support of his doctor and his friend, Allen Funt (Host of Candid Camera-are you too young to remember that, too???), he basically laughed himself into remission. He wrote a book about his experience, Anatomy of an Illness, and a new era-psychoneuroimmunology began.

Scientists began to study the healing power of humor and validate that there is truth to the saying, "Laughter's the best medicine." Benefits to your cardiovascular system, your respiratory system, your musculoskeletal system, your immune system, your endocrine system, your nervous system, your digestive system-the evidence grows leaps and bounds daily! But here's my suggestion: Don't wait for further proof. Do a little self-experimentation. Incorporate humor into your daily routine. Mak...

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Fun with Siri (Humor Challenge Day 20)

Humor Challenge: You can use your phone for games and videos, but have you ever had a conversation WITH your phone? Hey, Siri!

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Visit a Comedy Club (Humor Challenge Day 19)

Visit a comedy club and experience psychological, physiological, and social benefits.

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Humor Attire (Humor Challenge Day 17)

Express your sense of humor through your attire and accessories!

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Become the Master of Your Remote! (Humor Challenge Day 18)

Numerous studies have been conducted where subjects watched humorous shows for a half hour or more and in study after study, researchers found, over periods of days or weeks (depending on the study) that the subjects experienced lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol, decreased blood sugar (in persons with diabetes), proteins angiotensin, and renin (high levels can lead to kidney disease), decreased muscle tension, and diminished pain.

So today’s humor challenge: become the master of your remote control! Watch 30 minutes of something funny on TV.

It’s enjoyable to watch funny shows when you happen to catch them by chance, but what we’re trying to create in this humor challenge is a habit. I want you to become strategic in the way you get your laughs. Humor by chance is entertaining and does have value. But humor by choice ramps up your benefits to a higher level.

I love Big Bang Theory and have watched the episodes so many times I know most of them by heart. I keep a variety of cl...

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Become a Student of Humor (Day 13)

It was eight o’clock on a Monday morning and I was lost in thought about the day’s events when suddenly a rhythmic thumping noise brought my seven-year-old to mind.

“Adam!” I called out. No answer.

“Adam!” I called again. Still no answer.

Now a mom-on-a-mission, I bounded up the stairs. As I approached Adam’s room I could feel the “Whomp! Whomp! Whomp!”

I opened his door and there was Adam—jumping up and down on his bed— wearing nothing but his underwear and a big smile . . . swinging his school clothes over his head… singing and kicking and dancing!

I lost it! “What do you think you’re doing?”

Adam stopped mid-jump, grinned a huge grin, and with the wisdom of Yoda said, “Don’t ya think gettin' dressed in the morning oughta be more fun?!”

My first response?  “NO!!!”

My next response? “No more of Mommy’s motivational videos for you, young man!”

But moments later, the humor and wisdom of my son got through to me, and I marveled at his ability to find laughter and delight in such...

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Laugh at yourself! (Day 12)

The ability to laugh at yourself reveals to others several important traits about you.

First, it shows you have a sense of humor—a desirable trait.

Next, when you practice self-effacing humor, you’re demonstrating your vulnerability. Those experiencing your humor see your openness in a way that makes you more approachable.

And when you poke fun at yourself, you're demonstrating poise and self-assurance. Being able to laugh at yourself takes a strong level of self-confidence.

So today’s challenge: Laugh at yourself.

Forgot your computer password? Left your zipper in the down position? Locked your keys in the car—again? Lighten up. Show others that you recognize that you aren’t perfect, that you’re capable of making mistakes, and that you can reframe and see imperfections through the lens of humor.

Numerous members of my family—including me—deal with Attention Deficit Disorder. We may have this disorder, but it doesn’t have us! We play with our pain and joke about the derailments, ...

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