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Does this blog post make my butt look big?

The “Average American” (I’m still trying to find that person!) gains about one and a half pounds of fat a year between ages 25-60. Bummer! Not only does this lead to several health issues—it’s costly, it’s depressing, and it’s not helping our self-esteem. If you’re like me, you are searching for ways to laugh your, ummm, your butt off—literally.

A 15-minute laugh burns 10-40 calories. Okay, so that’s not as much as an hour of spinning might get you. But how consistently are you spinning? Or running? Or swimming? Or shaking those hips at Zumba?!

15 minutes of laughter doesn’t require any coordination. Or a membership fee. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. Or your room. Or your chair. (You can do it in a house. You can do it with a mouse. You can do it in a boat. You can do it with a goat. You can do it here or there. You can do it anywhere!)

Over a year, you can laugh off one to four pounds. (Hey, I see you over there rolling your eyes!) But think about the cumulative effect. In five years, you can gradually lose 5-20 pounds. Or you can do nothing continue to watch the scale creep up, or best case scenario, hold your own.

As any dietician will tell you, it’s the small incremental changes over time that will yield the best long-term results. So start adding 15 minutes of laughter to your daily routine. Don’t turn this into a chore. You did this easily as a kid. And reap the benefits of laughing you’re a$$ off!

(To learn how to experience health, hope, AND humor while losing weight I've got something that may be helpful. Take a look.)





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