“To know and not to do is not to know.” Chinese Proverb
John glanced over his shoulder as he was driving me to my speaking venue and asked, “So you’re the speaker? What do you speak about?”
Ah! Did he know that this is a professional speaker’s favorite question?! “My body of work for the last 25 years has been the study of humor’s relationship to profitability and health. This afternoon I’m going to share how to use humor as a competitive business edge,” I explained, delighted to share my passion with him.
I could see John’s smiling eyes in the rearview mirror. “Did you know that humor is really, really good for you?” he asked in all sincerity. (Yes, I knew that!) John then went on to tell me a somewhat fuzzy version of Norman Cousins overcoming his life-threatening illness by watching funny movies. It was fun to hear someone else extol the benefits of humor—and I was encouraged that the word was getting out to the general public that humor has practical benefits.
As I got out of t...
“Treat your love life like it’s the ultimate romantic comedy; laugh a lot and kiss when the credits roll.”
- Gregory Godek, author of 1001 Ways To Be Romantic
Stand-up comic Michael Elizondo sat in the doctor’s exam room waiting to be seen. When the doctor walked in, he was taken aback by her beauty. “Come here often?” he quipped. She laughed. And as the saying goes… they lived happily ever after.
When it comes to what we’re looking for in a mate, a sense of humor ranks as a must-have for both sexes. That being said, men and women are looking for slightly different outcomes when it comes to a sense of humor in a soulmate.
Women are looking for someone who will make them laugh. Men, on the other hand, are looking for someone to laugh at their jokes. According to numerous studies, guys who can make a woman laugh are seen as more attractive. And guys feel affirmed and appreciated by a woman who laughs at his jokes.
Humor and romance aren’t just for Valentine’s Day. The benefits are so ...
Many of you may be too young to recall the story of Norman Cousins. The 60-second version: When diagnosed with a degenerative disease (ankylosing spondylitis) he checked himself into a hotel across the street from his hospital, and with the support of his doctor and his friend, Allen Funt (Host of Candid Camera-are you too young to remember that, too???), he basically laughed himself into remission. He wrote a book about his experience, Anatomy of an Illness, and a new era-psychoneuroimmunology began.
Scientists began to study the healing power of humor and validate that there is truth to the saying, "Laughter's the best medicine." Benefits to your cardiovascular system, your respiratory system, your musculoskeletal system, your immune system, your endocrine system, your nervous system, your digestive system-the evidence grows leaps and bounds daily! But here's my suggestion: Don't wait for further proof. Do a little self-experimentation. Incorporate humor into your daily routine. Mak...
Toys aren't just for kids. De-stress! Play with your OWN toys!
Exaggerate and catastrophize icky moments mirthfully until you can put your frustrations in their proper perspective.
Humor Challenge: You can use your phone for games and videos, but have you ever had a conversation WITH your phone? Hey, Siri!
Visit a comedy club and experience psychological, physiological, and social benefits.
Numerous studies have been conducted where subjects watched humorous shows for a half hour or more and in study after study, researchers found, over periods of days or weeks (depending on the study) that the subjects experienced lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol, decreased blood sugar (in persons with diabetes), proteins angiotensin, and renin (high levels can lead to kidney disease), decreased muscle tension, and diminished pain.
So today’s humor challenge: become the master of your remote control! Watch 30 minutes of something funny on TV.
It’s enjoyable to watch funny shows when you happen to catch them by chance, but what we’re trying to create in this humor challenge is a habit. I want you to become strategic in the way you get your laughs. Humor by chance is entertaining and does have value. But humor by choice ramps up your benefits to a higher level.
I love Big Bang Theory and have watched the episodes so many times I know most of them by heart. I keep a variety of cl...
Express your sense of humor through your attire and accessories!
One of the theories of humor is that it comes from incongruity or derailment. That moment of absurdity that occurs when your mind thinks your train of thought is heading one direction, and then suddenly goes another, triggers our brain to laugh.
Today’s humor challenge: Practice derailment by playing with aphorisms.
An aphorism is a short phrase that expresses a truth or wisdom. For instance, you’ve probably heard the following aphorisms:
One way to play with aphorisms is to take your list of phrases, cut them in half, and then mix them up to create new and funny phrases, like
Another way to play with derailment and incongruity is to take the first half of the aphorisms and then make up your own endings. A first-grade teacher did ...
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