Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! I’d like to wish every person reading these words a wonderful Thanksgiving. May your holiday be a wonderful celebration with family and friends – and of course, some great laughs!
Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting on our blessings. This year, we’ve had lots of blessings (and a few blessings in disguise). We’re grateful for *most* of them and for *everything* we’ve taken away from the experience. Most of all, it’s you we’re thankful for. Without such great people to work and laugh with, the world wouldn’t be such a fabulous place.
Using Humor At Thanksgiving
Are you headed for a holiday dinner where younger children will be present? Try memorizing a few silly Thanksgiving riddles. You’ll be giving the kids something to laugh about, keeping them entertained (and out of trouble!) and it may just turn out that their good mood is infectious.
(Our favorite? Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play!)
Happy Thanksgiving to...
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