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What's So Funny About OR Nursing?

We'd been called in for an emergency bowel obstruction. Our scrub nurse had some bad gas - don't ever trust the cafeteria's tacos! In the  middle of the procedure, the surgeon starts freaking out. "I nicked the bowel! Don't you smell that?"  He ran the bowel over and over before he was finally satisfied that it was intact, and he closed. Afterward, when I talked to the scrub nurse about it, she said, "What was I going to do - tell him I farted?!"

OR Nurses: this bookis for you! I count the years I spent as an OR nurse as some of the finest (and funniest!) of my career. Talk about the tight bond between nurses! I learned true caring, compassion, and grace-under-pressure from my colleagues behind those double doors.

There were also lots of laughs - and thank goodness for that. Laughter provides the emotional resiliency we need to operate at the top of our game in the high-stress, high-pressure OR environment. Nurses who laugh regularly enjoy considerable physical and mental health benefits. They also tend to have stronger, more positive relationships with their colleagues than their more serious counterparts, and report higher levels of career satisfaction.

Now Available: What's So Funny About... OR Nursing?: A Creative Approach to Celebrating Your Profession

In my new book, In my new book, What's So Funny About... OR Nursing?: A Creative Approach to Celebrating Your Profession you'll find the latest psychoneuroimmunological research that explains why this is true, as well as practical, easy to implement strategies to add more humor to  your life. Who doesn't want to have more fun on an everyday basis?

Using funny stories and real-life examples from health care's front lines, What's So Funny About... OR Nursing? teaches you how to recognize, incorporate, and benefit from the presence of humor in your practice. It's a fun read that will make a real difference in your everyday work life. Best of all, it's available on Amazon right now!

So don't delay: this is your chance to be the first nurse in your hospital to have a copy!

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