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What's So Funny About Diabetes: Laughter Yoga

Generally, I don't have a hard time convincing people to add the healing power of humor to their diabetes management routine. Unlike diet and exercise, laughing is actually fun. (Yes, I know there are people who will tell you there's nothing more fun than an invigorating spin class. I am not one of those people.) Still, there are times when it seems like there's nothing in your life worth laughing about.

My friends, this is what yoga laughter was made for. I encourage you to check laughter yoga out. If you ever need to put a smile on your face in a hurry, try this simple exercise from What's So Funny About Diabetes?: A Creative Approach to Coping with Your Disease. It's one of my absolute favorites:

Gradient Laughter

Start by smiling—then slowly begin to laugh with a gentle chuckle. Increase the intensity and volume of the laugh until you’ve achieved a hearty laugh. Then gradually bring the laugh back down to a smile again.

It sounds simple, right? Just try it. It's okay if you do this all on your own, in the privacy of your own room. No one needs to know what you're laughing about! Feel the oxygen coming into your lungs as you laugh? That's pumping up your circulatory system, great for promoting healing and boosting your energy level. Hearty laughter drops the blood pressure and promotes immune function. When you're laughing, you won't just feel better - you'll be better!

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