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Six Days Until Christmas: Holidays Parties Got Your Pooped?

humor is power stress Dec 18, 2013

I'll be the first to admit it: while I have many great skills, present wrapping really isn't one of them. There's the paper, there's the present, there's the bow, there's the tape, there's the tag, there's me: that's at least one too many moving parts for this to end well.

The situation gets even worse when I rush. And it seems like at this time of year, I'm always rushing. One of the reasons I'm rushing is it seems like every night, there's a holiday party.

(I know: first world problems!)

I love parties, and I love my friends, and so when my friends have a party, I want to go. However, if I'm trying to keep stress levels manageable, sometimes I have to be realistic and say "As much as I'd love to, I just can't tonight."

Holiday parties tend to descend all at once. Don’t feel obligated. Go to those you really want to attend and regret the rest.Can’t think of a good excuse? Don’t give one.If it’s a true friend, she won’t need one and if it’s not a good friend, he’s not going to believe you anyway!

Use the time you save to practice your present wrapping skills, do errands, or my favorite option, unwind a little bit in the peace & privacy of your own home. You'll be glad you did!

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