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Need a Great Gift for Nurse's Week?

Nurses who laugh are happier people.

Nurses who laugh are healthier people.

Nurses who laugh are better nurses.

But what's so funny about nursing?

This year, Nurse's Week is May 6-12.  Just in the nick of time, Karyn Buxman has released the latest volume in the side-splitting What's So Funny book series: What's So Funny About... Nursing?: A Creative Approach to Celebrating Your Profession .

Here's an excerpt, discussing how humor can make you healthier:

When was the last time you heard that watching TV could actually make you healthier?! Another way you
can really give your heart a boost is by playing the ICU Game: Any time you see an error on a medical TV show (Nurse Jackie and Grey’s Anatomy are GREAT for this!) that would result in the patient spending the rest of his short, short life in the ICU, get up and do 25 jumping jacks. You could have the heart of an Olympian in less than one season!

Fun, funny, and packed with practical information to bring the healing power of humor into everyday nursing, What's So Funny About... Nursing?: A Creative Approach to Celebrating Your Profession is now available at a special discount price for Nurse's Week. Order now and save! It's a great gift for the nurses in your life - and don't forget to include yourself!

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