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A Great Gift For Nurses Week: Humor For Nurses!

Happy Nurses Week!

I hope you've been having the best Nurses' Week ever. It's been great to see a really healthy amount of humor as part of Nurses Week celebrations this year. Some of the best stuff I've seen has been on SomeeCards - go check it out, and if you see one that would make your favorite nurse laugh right out loud, send it to them. It's free, and the gift of humor is one that will make your friend happier and healthier.

It's hard to pick a favorite, but I have to admit to liking, "Happy Nurses Week to all the nurses with friends too cheap to go to the doctor!" Raise your hand if you know more about your closest friend's gastrointestinal system than you ever hoped to. And people are really willing to stretch the definition of friend when they need medical advice...if they went to the same high school you did, t(*cough*) years ago and haven't seen each other since, that's a close enough connection to solicit your opinion of their small bowel resection!

As nurses, using humor is one of the best things we can do to help each other - and ourselves - be happier, healthier people. Laughter is an all-natural way to control stress, keep blood pressure low, and improve your energy levels. Whether you're the air traffic control in a world of frequent fliers or facing another day with Dr. Crankypants, laughter provides the emotional resiliency nurses need to hang in there.

Learn more by reading What's So Funny About... Nursing?: A Creative Approach to Celebrating Your Profession . It makes a great Nurses Day gift for the nurses you work with everyday - or for yourself!

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